Earn from App & Web Use
What if chatting with friends, sharing files and making calls would not only be free but would also bring you earnings? In WowApp, that is exactly the case: you enjoy the many great features of our app for free and you are also rewarded with WowCoins for your daily activities. 100 WowCoins = $ 1 and a part of your earnings automatically goes to charity, so you do good in the world every time you use WowApp. It’s your choice how you spend the rest of your earnings: you can donate up to 100% of it to one of our 2,000 charities in over 110 countries or you can do good for yourself and cash it out.
With WowApp, you can keep in touch with your friends through 1-on-1 conversations or group chats and choose from a wide range of emojis, stickers and GIFs to express yourself. There’s even a private chat option if you don’t want your conversation to leave any trace in your chatting history.
More than chatting through text, you can call your fellow WowApp members for free, enjoy the best audio quality on your calls and earn real money at the same time. You can even talk in conference calls to catch up with a group of friends on WowApp, maybe to plan a great surprise party for another friend or just to decide on your next getting together.
And why settle for text messaging and audio calling when you can easily make free video calls in WowApp as well? Video calls bring you closer to your friends and loved ones and you earn and Do Good while sharing your stories with them. You are also rewarded for rating your call after you hang up!
All in all, through our App & Web Use you receive the money that is rightfully yours as a result of your daily activities. WowApp is available for smartphones and for computers as well, so download it on your device of choice by using the links below: